As Spelman College’s first new building in twenty years, the center strives to act as Spelman’s “front porch” to the greater community. It will house all of Spelman’s art disciplines, which are currently scattered across the campus, and conjoin them into a virbrat community of innovators, collaborators, artists, musicians and scientists. The new center will contain faculty offices, classrooms and a collection of maker spaces such as an innovation lab, digital media labs, and rehearsal spaces. All of these labs, studios and classrooms center around a double-height multi-purpose space called the Hive, which seeks to enhance the education, rehearsal and performance occurring in the building by providing a collaborative environment for all disciplines. Spaces that invite the community into Spelman’s “front porch” include a theater, an extension to Spelman’s museum, spacious outdoor seating, a cafe and a large atrium space joining these programs together. GVSA is acting as associate architect to Studio Gang Architects in Spelman’s endeavor to create a vibrant, shining Center of Innovation and the Arts.